To reset the 2015 Volkswagen Golf service interval, please follow these instructions:
1. Turn the ignition to run (one position before starting engine).
2. Acess the settings menu:
i) Use the windshield wiper lever toggle switch or
ii) Use the buttons on the right hand side of the multi function steering wheel
3. Select the “Settings” menu followed by the “Service” submenu. Select “Reset” and confirm.
4. Turn the ignition off and then start the engine to verify the indicator has been reset.
2.With the ignition switch off press and hold the 0,0 button.
3. Turn the igntion on (do not start the engine) and the service interval display is now in reset mode. Release the 0,0 button.
4. Within 20 seconds press the min button and wait for the display to switch back to the normal display.
5. Turn the ignition off and then start the engine to verify the indicator has been reset.